Category Archives: Blog

The Reason For So Many Religions–Why We Need God

Find God and find life.

Find God and find life.

There is a reason why every society started out with some kind of religion. There’s a reason why people turn to drugs, alcohol, thrill-seeking. There’s a reason why so many people are depressed and sad. We were created to love God. We have a God-shaped hole in our hearts that only He can fill. Trying to fill it any other way will only make us unhappy, miserable, or sick.

The pull of God on us is strong, though not easily understood. Ask the average person on the street if they think they need God and they will probably say no. They may not be alcoholic or on drugs, legal or otherwise, but they wouldn’t admit to feeling incomplete. They just think that living with sadness is natural. When you grow up in a dysfunctional home, you think everyone lives like that.

But when people discover God and His amazing love, they realize what they’ve missed for so long. That place inside is no longer empty, but full of peace. Finally, peace. No amount of mediation and exercise can bring what God gives us. Not even close.

The only way to find real life is through the One who created it. It was His great plan all along to bring us into His arms. Find Him there and you will find everything you need.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Look For Your Joy–It’s There

Find your joy.

Find your joy.

You know how some people see the glass half full and others half empty? It’s a choice. You decide your own outlook on life. You may be cautious, but you can still be optimistic. God gave us joy. It’s up to us whether we decide to claim it.

All the fruits of the Holy Spirit are ours. You don’t have to pick one or figure out which one suits you. God gave you everything. So joy is yours, but you may need to look for it. In the turmoil of problem solving, the peace of God is with you. When you stop and decide to live in that peace, joy is not far away.

You decide. You control whether you want to have actual joy in your life. If you really can’t see any reason to be joyful, then ask God to help you. Ask Him to take away everything that blocks His joy in your life. You may need to repent or forgive or humble yourself. What ever you feel convicted to do, do it.

Then claim your joy. Tell God that you will live with His joy and thank Him for it. Then start looking for it everywhere you go. Once you start finding it, it will come easier and easier. Be thankful and full of joy. It’s God’s blessing to you.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


The Pressure To Be Perfect Is Hurting Everyone

Let people be human and love them anyway.

Let people be human and love them anyway.

There is a lot of pressure in the church for Christians to be perfect, and it’s hurting everyone. The reason we have to pray “on earth as it is in heaven” is because we’re not living on earth as it is in heaven. We are still human whether we like it or not. We will make mistakes and bad choices and fall down.

Unfortunately, every time we make a bad  choice or fall down fingers get pointed. Assumptions are made. Judgement is given. When that happens, walls go up. We lose connection and we definitely lose love.

Look at all the major players in the Bible and find one that lived perfectly their whole life. Everyone was human, and God loved them. God used them in their imperfections to show His own greatness. Why are we so shocked when people act like people?

When Jesus said, He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first, He knew no one could do it. It’s only by God’s mercy that our sins are covered, not because we are perfect. We all have planks in our own eyes. We have to stop judging each other for being human.

The world is supposed to know us by our love. Love is not judgmental and does not point fingers. Love simply loves, even through the mistakes and bad decisions. Let people love your humanity while you love them in theirs.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Don’t Loose Sight Of The One Who Is Answering Your Prayer

Give thanks and stay humble.

Give thanks and stay humble.

When do you think your prayers will be answered? What do you expect God to do for you? How will He do it? Can He do it? There is a fine line between expecting answers and just trusting. There is also a balance in expecting what we ask for and just looking at the One who gives.

It’s very easy to get caught up in the faith of receiving and lose track of the awesomeness of God. Keep your eyes on Him while you’re asking for what you need. It’s by His goodness, His kindness, His mercy that our prayers are answered. Be grateful. Stay humble before Him.

God loves us so much and we need to respond back to Him in love. If we are continually asking and not loving back, chances are our prayers won’t be answered. He’s looking for hearts of love to bless. Imagine your children always asking and never being thankful or grateful, or even acknowledging your presence. (Ok, that may be too close to home for some, but you get my point.)

God is good. He is wonderful and generous. He deserves our praise and gratitude. As much as you need prayers to be answered, spend more time loving Him. You’ll be amazed at how fast those prayers come home.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


God Is Awesome At Working Out Impossible Situations

Love God and He'll work it out for you.

Love God and He’ll work it out for you.

Life gets pretty tricky at times. All our best laid plans get thrown out the window and we’re left wondering what to do. Or a situation pops up and we really don’t have any idea what to do. That’s why God says to trust Him. He is awesome at working out impossible situations.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Rom 8:28)

You see the stipulation there: To those who love God. We can’t give lip service to God and expect Him to be Superman for us. Jesus said the first commandment was to love God with all our heart. All our heart. When we are sold-out to God, He’ll move heaven and earth for us.

Stop panicking and start loving. Is that hard? Then ask Him to help you. Ask Him to give you the love that you need to love Him back. I know that sounds strange, but He’s actually ok with it. He is the source of all good things anyway. Love Him and in that love trust Him. You can’t trust and panic at the same time. Only when you take your hands off can He do what needs to be done.

It will work out, for your good, because you love Him.

The Authority That Jesus Gave Us Puts Demands On Us

Authority puts demands on our love.

Authority puts demands on our love.

Wherever Jesus went, crowds formed when it was known that He was there. People were drawn to Him. Not just because He did miracles, though that would be a huge draw. I think they were also drawn to His authority. People like to be told what to do. We’re like baby birds, we like to be fed.

But Jesus left and gave His authority to us. Suddenly, we’re not just baby birds with our mouths open wide anymore. Suddenly, we’re supposed to be the ones bringing salvation, healing, and deliverance. The authority has some weight on our shoulders. It doesn’t feel comfortable.

We’d rather let someone else do that stuff while we continue to be fed. That authority takes responsibility, and responsibility makes demands on us. That’s what maturity and growth in the kingdom calls for. If we are to be known by our love, then we have to be open to loving when it’s needed. And that need rarely comes at convenient times.

The authority we’ve been given assumes that we want to be obedient to the Great Commission. If we’re not willing to do that, we have to ask ourselves why. Laziness is not an option. Selfishness is not an option. Love is the only option, and that will require maturity to be available when we are needed.

It’s time to grow up. It’s time to be who we’ve been called to be and love, really love.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


A Tip On How To Hear God

God is always talking to you, even if you can't hear Him.

God is always talking to you, even if you can’t hear Him.

The ability to hear God is vital to spiritual growth, and without growth, we stagnate and die. When we don’t listen to Him, we’re probably going in the wrong direction. It can be very dangerous. Any tip on how to hear God is a good thing. So here it is:

Today, if you will hear His voice. (Ps 95:7)

1. He’s always talking to you. Everyday. He will always have something to say to you, and you’d better believe that whatever God has to say is worth listening to.

2. You have to want to hear Him. The hearing is conditional. If you will hear. God is not going to breakthrough the game you have going on your iPhone. He’s not going to “smote you in the side” like Peter and wake you up. He’s waiting for you to give Him your attention and your desire to listen.

3. He’s talking today. Get your head out of the future or the past. You can’t hear Him there. Whatever He has to tell you today will prepare you for tomorrow.

Never believe that you can’t hear God speaking to you. That’s a lie. Settle your heart and listen. Don’t expect that His language will always be what you grew up speaking. Allow Him to communicate anyway He wants, because He is. Today. Right now.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Do Denominations Matter To God?

We are all family

We are all family

Do denominations matter to God? Not as much as we’d like to think. That’s my opinion anyway. I think the issues come in when the Holy Spirit is not welcome. Aside from that, what the name is on the door isn’t as important as what is in the heart.

We have to stop judging based on names and tradition. It’s not our job anyway. Sit down and talk to people and find out what they really believe. There may be more in common than you think. In fact, it’s very sweet to find out that a denomination you’re not connected to believes very much like you do.

The differences in style aren’t important. God loves the formality and informality as long as it comes from the heart. He’s looking for pure worship, regardless of what it looks like. What He’s not impressed with is robotic behavior. But if the same behavior has depth and feeling to it, then He can bless it.

We’re family — brothers and sisters with different personalities. It’s all good. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. (Jhn 13:35) If we can’t show that, then we have some serious explaining to do.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Expect A Great Future When You Keep Your Eyes On God

Expect a great future

Expect a great future

Looking forward to a new year is always exciting, whether it’s a calendar year or a birthday. There are dreams and plans that we want to see happen. That’s a good thing. God likes it when we are expectant and trusting Him.

The problems start when we micromanage how we want this future to unfold. If our thoughts are glued to what we are expecting, we miss what God is really doing. That expectancy has to be balanced with an open faith to allow God to do things His way.

Also, when we get too focused on the future, we literally take our eyes off of God. Any time that happens, we’re in trouble. Make God the focus first and allow Him to do what you need. Expect a miracle. Expect open doors and opportunities, but keep you heart on the One who is moving on your behalf.

The key to every success in life is putting God first. Acknowledge when you wander ahead of Him, and get centered in His love. He has a future and a hope for you that is more than you are planning for yourself. Thank Him for it. Be grateful for everything He’s doing for you, and your future will be awesome.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


We Are All Prodigal Sons — Nothing Will Stop God From Loving You

nothing will stop God from loving you

nothing will stop God from loving you

We all need to come to God in repentance, so we are all, essentially, the prodigal son. It’s such an amazing story of God’s love for us. (Luke 15:11-32) Even in our stubborn rebellion, He loves us. When we turn our back on Him, and we still do that as believers when we fail to turn to Him first, He still watches for us to come back. Then He runs to meet us and throw His arms around us.

Now, put yourself in the prodigal’s shoes. The Father puts sandals on your feet, a robe on your back, and a ring on your finger. He kills the fatted calf to celebrate you. Can you feel the immense love that comes from that?

There is nothing that you can do that will stop God from loving you. Murderers on death row are deeply loved by God. He is just waiting for them to repent. Any idea that God cannot forgive you is a lie from the enemy. Forgiveness is a prayer away.

Ask God to show you how much He loves you. He can communicate it in a way that will be personal to you. Once you get a glimpse of that love, it will change your life.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart