Affirmations: Build Yourself Up In Faith

Affirmation builds faith.

Affirmation builds faith.

To build yourself up in faith means that you have to do something to increase your faith. See if this helps:

I know that Jesus died and rose from the dead — for me.

I know that I have asked Jesus into my heart to be my Lord and Savior.

I know my sins are forgiven and I am clean.

I know that I am filled with the Holy Spirit.

I know I belong to God.

I know He loves me passionately.

I know I am rooted and grounded in His love.

I know God has a destiny for me that I will love.

I know that I have peace because I have all the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

I know all of heaven is open to me.

I know I’ve been given all wisdom.

I know I have all authority to speak in Jesus’s name.

I know the devil must leave me when I rebuke him.

I know that I can pray for the sick and they will get better.

I know I can pray for miracles to happen, because God loves me.

I know I can ask for more from God and He will give it, because He wants to bless me.

I know that God wants to bless me.

I know that He is a good Father.

I know that nothing is impossible with God.

I know He can do anything…anything.



You Have All The Grace You Need To Walk Out Your Destiny

Never think that you can’t do what’s in your heart. The destiny that God has given us lives in our hopes and dreams. Does it seem impossible to do? Probably. We’re always called to go up higher and we never feel ready to do that.

But we’re equipped, whether it feels like it or not. But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of the gift of Christ. (Eph 4:7) We have all the grace we need for what we’ve been called to. And it’s not like there’s barely enough. God is a God of abundance.

God is a God of abundance

God is a God of abundance

Remember when Jesus told Peter and John to cast their net to the other side of the boat because they hadn’t caught any fish? (John 21:6) They pulled in 153 large fish. It was such and impressive catch that the number was recorded. Not only was the catch unusually large, but the net was safe from damage.

God thinks of everything you need. You have more than enough for what’s in your heart. God’s grace will open doors and keep you safe. All you have to do is thank Him, trust Him, and walk on water.




Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


The Key To Hearing The Answers You’ve Been Waiting For

Worship lets you hear God.

Worship lets you hear God.

Are you waiting for an answer to prayer? Maybe the reason you haven’t heard back is because you’re stressed about the situation. It may be a serious issue that you have to deal with.

I have a suggestion that might help. Worship God. Really worship Him. Sing songs, praise Him, declare His goodness. Stay in that environment of His presence for a while so you feel His peace. Be still and know that He is God. Then listen with your heart.

Our petitions made to Him in a joyful, praised-filled heart are easily heard. It reminds us of how big He is. We force ourselves to stop looking at our issues and focus on Him. That’s the real key to getting prayers answered. You’re welcome.

That time of worship will open up heaven not only for the answers you’ve been waiting for, but for the things that God wants to communicate to you. It’s your direct connection with Him that He’s waiting for. Try it. It will change your prayer life.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


How’s It Feel To Posses All Wisdom?

You have been given all wisdom.How’s it feel to know you possess all wisdom? (Ephesians 1:8) Yep. All wisdom belongs to us. All. When we receive the Holy Spirit, He comes fully loaded. We don’t get downloads as we need them, we get the whole enchilada.

However, that doesn’t mean that we function with all wisdom. We learn to walk in as much as we can handle. Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little. (Isa. 28:13) The more willing we are to be taught, the more we absorb and receive.

Wisdom is an awesome gift to have. And divine wisdom is the best kind. You have an unlimited supply that has been freely given to you. All you have to do is ask the Holy Spirit to reveal it. Be serious about it and press in. Wisdom will give you insights into the nature of God and how He works in your life. That will affect your family, your job, your hopes and dreams.

What you carry is priceless. Thank God for it, and be wise!


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Don’t Let Your Past Affect Your Present Joy

Let go of every pain.We don’t always realize how much our history affects our present. We respond to how we’ve been treated. If we’ve been treated well, then we can be open and trusting. If we’ve been hurt, we don’t want to go through that again, so we put up walls. Trusting becomes difficult, if not impossible.

Unfortunately, that past also affects how we respond to God. If we never had a loving relationship with our father, we won’t be able to receive love from our heavenly Father. Those walls will only allow what we feel we can handle, which may not be very much at all. Even a bad divorce will affect our ability to be loved by anyone.

You don’t have to live like that. All the blessings of heaven are yours in Christ. But to truly receive them, you have to let go of the bad stuff. Forgive where you need to forgive. You have to do it. Then ask God to take it all away. Now ask God to release all His goodness in you. Receive His love. Receive His joy. Receive all that is yours.

You are a new creation in Christ. Let go of the old and enjoy all that Jesus has given.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Don’t Be Offended For God

Sometimes just stay quiet.

Disagree with honor.

I recently came across someone’s post online that I didn’t agree with. They were expressing some doubt about the validity of a certain ministry that I respect and admire. I didn’t get irate, but I was annoyed. If the ministry was operating according to Biblical principles, why question them? How do people choose which scriptures to believe in and which they don’t?

Fortunately, I stopped myself from answering back and starting an online holy war. But I did talk to God about it. He said, “Don’t be offended for me.”

Whoa! What a good answer. As soon as I heard that, I realized that I was being offended for Him. I very quickly remembered that He doesn’t need my help. He’s very capable of managing His own PR.

It’s one thing to answer questions or clarify a misconception, but arguments lead nowhere. Give the issues to God and let Him work them out in peace. It saves a lot of ill will and bad feelings. There’s a lot of wisdom in staying quiet.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Predestination Is Not As Tricky As It Sounds

You are destined for blessing.Predestination is one of those tricky concepts that a lot of people choose not to think about, because if you do, your brain just might explode. Do we make your own choices or not? It sure feels like it.

But we read in Ephesians, … He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will… (Eph 1:4-5)

God definitely chose us before the He even made the world. He knew who would serve Him and who wouldn’t. So how are we predestined, if we make have a choice?

Here’s how I figure it. We all have a destiny. That means that we all have a plan that God made especially for each of us. It’s tailor-made to suit our personal gifts, hopes, and dreams. It lines us up with God’s plan of redemption and how we should live in His kingdom.

But here’s the thing — we choose whether to accept it or not. The plan was designed for us before the world was made, but we are not forced to live it. If we decide to ignore this amazing blessing, then we are free to do so.

Predestination doesn’t mean that we are forced to live without personal choice, it means that God thought of how He wanted to bless us long before we ever created. That destiny lives in every one of us. All we have to do is receive it with grateful thanks.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


How To Hold Onto Expectation While Waiting For Promises

It’s easy to be discouraged when it seems like it’s taking an eternity to see answered prayer, whether that’s actually weeks or years. Jesus said, If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. (John 15:7) That’s a promise. He absolutely promises to answer, but you have to be faithful to believe that He will.

Good things come to those who wait.

Good things come to those who wait.

Look at your promises like presents under a Christmas tree. There they all are, all wrapped up in gorgeous bows, glittering with divine expectation. You know exactly what’s in some of them. You can pick them up, shake them, and  listen for telltale assurance. Some are a mystery and will be a complete surprise when you get to open them.

Each gift comes with a tag that says, With All My Love, Jesus. The gift has been given. It’s yours. It has your name on it. You can go to it and look at it anytime you want, because it has been given. You are just waiting for the time it can be opened.

Every time you go to look at those gifts, thank God for giving it, just as you would thank anyone who gives you a gift. You don’t wait until you open it to thank them. Enjoy the fact that God has blessed you with the gifts that you asked for, and more than you haven’t. I think there might be something connected to our level of thankfulness and the length of time we wait to open them.

Do you have presents under the tree? Go pick up each one and thank God for giving it. Let the anticipation of opening it flow out through gratitude that God loves you so much.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Repentance Is A Good Thing — Embrace It

Repentance helps you grow.Repentance is not just about being sorry for what we know we’ve done wrong. We have do something about it. We have to change our ways. If we are truly repentant, we don’t want to do that same thing again.

When you repent, confess to God what you know you need to confess, then give Him the issue. Ask Him to take it from you. Visualize yourself handing Him a box with the bad actions in it. Then ask God for the good things He wants to replace it with.

We act badly out of our own sinful nature. God wants to renew us in our new identity in Christ. For everything we let go of because it’s from our old self, God has a good thing to replace it with to build up your redeemed self.

That’s how we grow in maturity. Faith upon faith. Line upon line. Precept upon precept. As we let go of actions and attitudes that hold us back, we receive better gifts that protect us and show us how marvelous God is.

Embrace repentance. There’s no need to hold onto anything that keeps you from being the amazing person that God sees you as.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Keep You Eyes on God & You Won’t See the Valley of the Shadow of Death

If God is your shepherd, you are blessed.Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. (Ps 23:4)

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, or from the mailbox with a handful of bills, or stare at my five-year plan with no idea what I should be doing — God is with me. His name is Emmanuel, God with us. His rod and staff are there to guide me, if I choose to be guided.

Everything we face on a daily basis can be managed with divine insight and help. God knows everything we’re up against. He knows the dark future you can’t see into. He’s there to help. Be humble and ask. Listen with your heart. Be obedient to what you know to be true.

You may make mistakes along the way, but don’t fret about it. God knows and He still has a great plan for you, and that includes your mistakes. Your valley of the shadow of death is just another path that you walk with God. When your eyes are on Him, you don’t see anything scary along the way. He makes every walk a delight.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart