Let Jesus Be Your Stunt Double–He Can Handle It

My last post about owning a Ferrari made me think about stunt doubles. I can imagine how terrifying it might be for an actor to look at a movie role where they are required to fall out of a building or crash a car. They’re probably not trained for that. But when they know there will be a stunt double doing those things, the role seems easy. The stunt double is trained and perfectly at ease doing dangerous things.

Let Jesus be your stunt double.

Let Jesus be your stunt double.

Our life in the kingdom is like working with Jesus as our stunt double. Does that sound bad? Think about it. He just wants us to connect with the people who need help, and He will do the power work that needs to be done. It makes our role easy.

It’s never about us anyway. We’re just the face, the hands, for God to work through. We don’t have to freak out or panic about doing what Jesus did, because He’s the one doing it anyway. And He’s always with us, so we don’t have to wonder if He’ll show up on time.

Start practicing with your stunt double and see how it works. Pray for people who need healing. Speak authority into a situation and release the power of God to save, heal, and deliver. Then watch Him do what He’s best at. It will be fun.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


What Will You Do With The Power That God Gave You?

What will you do with the power that God gave you? Jesus described the kingdom of God in many ways, but when I think about it, it looks like a Ferrari. Once we come into the kingdom, we are filled with all the power and authority that Jesus had so we can do the things that He did. It’s just that we don’t recognize that we have it.

What will you do with that power that God gave you?

What will you do with that power that God gave you?

It’s like we have a big, beautiful Ferrari parked in the garage, yet we choose to walk to work, no matter how far it is. We walk because everyone around us is walking, so it seems normal. We’re not even aware that we own a Ferrari, even though the keys are in our pocket.

Some have come to know about their car and sit in it, wondering how to make it run. They dream of the day when they’ll back it out of the driveway and take off. And others are fully functional freeway drivers taking advantage of all that power.

There will be a day when you will stand before God and He will ask, what did you do with what I gave you? Where are the people who you healed and delivered from oppression? Show Me the mighty works that you did in My name. I gave you the keys to do it.

Ask God to help you be who you’ve been called to be. You’ve got everything you need already.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


It’s Time To Start Living In God–It’s Time To Get Real

It's time to get real.

It’s time to get real.

It’s time to cross over. We can’t hold back any longer. God is compelling us to Himself. We have to go, to run to Him with open arms like a little child running to Daddy. The draw is too great to resist. His wooing is overwhelming. It’s time to get real.

Look, He is reaching out, ready to take hold of our hands as soon as we move toward Him. See His smile! The look in His eyes! He is God who loves us, who adores us. Who can resist His call?

It’s time to stop knowing about Him and start living in Him. It’s time to be who we’ve been called to be–children of the Most High God. The time for playing church is over. The time to love and be loved is now. It’s time to live in community with each other, in honor and respect and kindness.

Open up your heart, completely. You can’t hold anything back. He sees it all anyway, just give it to Him. Let Him pour in life and love and wonder. He is God who is amazing, powerful, and fun. Refuse and you lose everything — everything. Receive and live like you’ve never lived before. It’s time to be who you are meant to be. There’s a world to change.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Find Hidden Treasures When You Press Into God

find hidden treasures when you press into God

find hidden treasures when you press into God

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter. (Prov 25:2) There He goes, hiding things from us. What’s with that? You’d think that God would want everything about Him to be clear and easy to understand. But it turns out that God likes us to dig to find hidden treasures.

Jesus always said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” I think that really means, he who really wants to know, go after it. The disciples got their questions answered because they followed Him around and pressed Him for clarity. We should do the same thing.

He is not holding back blessing and answers, He’s waiting for us come closer, to go deeper to get it. How badly do you want more of God? Answers to prayer? Deeper revelation? It will all depend on how close your communion time with Him is. That can look any way that works for you, as long as you hear Him and He hears you.

It will be your glory and blessing to uncover what He has set aside for you. And it has nothing to do with anyone else or what they say or do. It’s up to you. There are hidden treasures and revelations to be had if you dig in. It sounds totally worth it to me.

Let God’s Creativity Help You In Every Area Of Your Life

Let God show you His creativity.

Let God show you His creativity.

In the beginning, God created. It doesn’t say He ever stopped. He is the source of all creativity. He’d be a good one to turn to if you need help in that area. Imagine having God look over your shoulder and point out where you can do this or that better. Imagine having Him touch your work and giving it His extra special touch. Creativity is all apart of who He is, and He put Himself in you.

Learn to tap into that huge deposit. But remember, He’s not a light switch. You don’t snap your fingers and ask for help. Everything about God is about relationship. You draw from Him as you spend time with Him. That’s what communion is all about. It’s that heart to heart communication that binds you together.

So when you are faced with a creative challenge, go to Him with it. Talk about what you imagine and ask Him for His feedback. What would He like to do? It could be amazing! And don’t limit that input to art projects. God’s creativity can touch everything in your life from organizing your home to your ideas for the future. The Queen of Sheba was amazed at how Solomon’s servants were dressed because Solomon has insight into the creative aspect of heaven.

This could be fun! Let God show you what He’d like you to see and go with it.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Our Bad Decisions Can Be Redeemed Through Grace

Our bad decisions can be be redeemed. I can’t help wondering what it would have been like if Moses had been allowed to enter the Promised Land. If the Israelites had believed Joshua and Caleb and gone straight in. If Saul had remained faithful to God. If Solomon had not followed after foreign women.

Let grace cover your bad decisions.

Let grace cover your bad decisions.

God allows us our own choices. He doesn’t strike us down when we make bad decisions, He just makes us live with the consequences. Thank goodness for His grace. Thank goodness that He forgives our worst mistakes and can redeem what had been lost. Nothing is impossible for Him.

But I also see how important our decisions are. How amazing God would be for us if we trusted Him. Ask Him to give you perspective on your life. Is there a place that you stopped believing Him? Do you need to go back and repent? It’s not too late. He can forgive and put you back on the right track if you let Him.

Don’t get to the end of your life and mourn lost opportunity. Allow God to be God for you today. Trust Him. Believe Him to be who He says He is. He’s waiting for someone to believe Him so He can do great and mighty things. Let it be you.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Are There People You Think Could Never Be Saved?

Is there anyone you can think of who would never get saved? Think of the hardest case imaginable. A murderer? A rapist? What would it take to change that person to be clean inside and out? We may not know people with a history of criminal violence, but we all know people who would be likely candidates for being the last people ever to get saved.

The Power of God Delivers

The power of God changes lives.

Jesus ran into one of them in the country of the Gadarenes. The man living in the tombs was physically violent and out of his mind. He was scary and dangerous. And Jesus healed him. (Mark 5) The man was brought to his right mind and wanted to follow Jesus after that.

It just proves that there is no one immune to the touch of God. All it took was for that man to be in the presence of Jesus. Anyone you know can be saved, healed, and delivered in the same way when you bring the presence of Jesus with you. He’s still in the business of saving people.

Never give up on praying for people. There are some cases that may require pray and fasting and long years of faith, but it’s important to never give up. You are the key to heaven for them.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


People Are Important To God, So They Should Be Important To You

The kingdom of God is all about loving each other.

The kingdom of God is all about loving each other.

People are important to God, so they should be important to you. Yes, the greatest commandment is to love God above all else, but the second one is to love other people. (Mark 12:29-31)

It’s not good enough that we’re nice to people at church or at work. We need to be connected in community. Everyone should know who they can call in an emergency, when they’re lonely, or when they need someone to celebrate with.

We are family — brothers and sisters with the same Father. Not the dysfunctional family you may have grown-up in, but a healthy, lively, growing family. That means that we forgive each other easily. We help when we’re needed. We celebrate victories we’ve been waiting for ourselves.

It takes effort to be in community. You have to open yourself up to other people and let them in. But that’s what the kingdom of God is all about. It’s a kind, loving place where we love each other and celebrate God.

If you are not connected with other believers, then you need to work on that. Go out of your way and learn names. Say hello. Find out what’s going on with people. Share some food and make friends. The kingdom is a friendly place. Don’t be left out.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


The Big Reason Why We Are Not Doing Greater Works Than Jesus Did

Simple faith = greater works.

Simple faith = greater works.

What is the one thing that prevents you from doing amazing works for God? Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. (Jhn 14:12) Jesus said we would do greater works than He did. Why aren’t we doing them?

The biggest reason is that we don’t think we can. It’s the seriously effective marketing campaign the enemy has used for generations. We don’t feel qualified to be super holy, and only super holy people could do those works.

The thing is, God knows exactly who we are, warts and all, and He still said we are fully qualified to do the miracles that Jesus did. The question is, do we believe? If we’re not seeing the miracles, it’s because we don’t believe. And it’s a huge shame, because if the church believed like we should, the world would be a very different place today.

Think about what it would take to change your mindset to believe like Jesus said you were capable of believing. Just simple faith. Is God who He says He is, or not? Stretch out a little and see what happens. There are greater works coming your way.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


So Where Is God When You Need Him? Watch The Instant Replay

God is there, all the time.

God is there, all the time.

Where is God when you need Him? Doesn’t it seem like He’s never there right when everything falls apart on you? Right when you really need Him! I think we’ve all been there. But if we could watch a slow motion replay of those events, we’d see a different story.

First of all, when everything falls apart, we tend to panic. That’s called fear. When we allow fear to take over, we literally block God’s access to us. We’re telling Him, “I don’t believe that you can actually do anything here, so I’m just going to panic.” It’s like you put your fingers in your ears and run around yelling, “la la la la”.

In that instant replay, you can see God reaching out and, if you have the audio up, you’d hear Him telling you everything you need to hear. Unfortunately, you can’t hear any of it because you’re in panic mode with your fingers in your ears.

The truth is, God is always with you. If your first response is to turn to Him, you’ll find Him every time. He will always be everything you need Him to be. You just have to learn to trust Him. That means being perfectly relaxed in the face of a shambled mess. Ask God to work it out, and enjoy watching Him do it. He can be very creative sometimes.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart