Salvation is not believing in God and going to church. The demons in hell believe in God, and going to church doesn’t save you any more than going to the corner deli. Jesus didn’t preach about salvation. He preached about the kingdom of God. Continue reading
Tag Archives: God
You Are Choosing To Live Or Die

Choose God and live
Life and death are decisions that we make. Continue reading
Your Goal Should Be A Moving Target
Any time you feel satisfied with life, I think you’re in trouble. Continue reading
What If Your Dreams Are Too Small?

Press in to what you know is your destiny and don’t look back.
If you happened to meet a billionaire at the airport and he liked you and decided to fund you in anything you wanted to do, what would you do?
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Deep Calling To Deep
When was the last time you got flooded in the Spirit?
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How Much Is Your Life Worth?
If you were buying life insurance, how much would your life be worth? If you were kidnapped and being held for ransom, how much would they ask for? Continue reading
Praising God Makes Us Strong
We are told over and over in the Bible to praise the Lord. We praise Him because He is Lord, because He redeemed us, and He is worthy of all praise. When we really get that, we don’t need to be told. But sometimes we do need to be reminded when we are sick, when we are disappointed, when we are sad. Continue reading
You Are More Wonderful Than You Know
God loves who you are. Isn’t that amazing? He loves your heart and your hidden dreams. He loves all the wonderful potential that He put in you. He actually knows you better than you do. Continue reading
How Mature Are You?

You are responsible for your own growth in faith.
What ever level of faith you are in, you need to keep moving. Babies are not meant to be babies for ever. We are meant to grow in maturity. Continue reading
Choose To Be His Child

Run to Him as a loving child.
God did not create heaven and earth for us to listen to an hour sermon then forget about Him the rest of the week. He had bigger plans for us than that.
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