Category Archives: Blog

Why Is God So Happy With You?

God is very happy with you.

God is very happy with you.

Why is God so happy with you? First of all, you have to realize that God is happy with you. He absolutely delights in you, but why? I mean, yes, there are times when we do things right that He could be proud of, but most of the time we’re just us. Is that enough to make God delighted in us?

The key to this is the blood of Jesus. When we receive salvation through Christ, God sees us through the blood of redemption. That means that He sees us with all the sin and pride and anger stripped away. He sees us as being perfect, right now.

God sees us with all the gifts and talents and destiny that He put in us. And His work is perfect, so what He created in us is perfect. Our job is to line up with what’s already in us. On earth as it is in heaven. It’s not as hard as you think it is.

Allow God to clean out all the bad attitudes. Confess your sins. Forgive people, all of them. Keep forgiving them. Ask God to fill you with the good attitudes of His Spirit. Over time, He will do a make over that is amazingly transforming — because He loves you. He’s very happy with you and wants you to be happy too.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


For Unto Us A Son Is Given, And We Are Eternally Grateful

Unto us a Son is given

Unto us a Son is given

For unto us a Son is given. (Isa 9:6) He has been given to us–a child, a gift, a King. Can you imagine heaven on the eve of His departure? Knowing what He was about to face, what was the conversation between Father and Son? I can almost see the embrace, wrapped tightly in the Holy Spirit.

For unto us a Son is given. Receive this greatest gift of all time. Receive Him as more than a name in a book. More than a teacher or prophet. Receive Him as the Son of God, the Lamb that was sacrificed for us.

The question at the end of life will be this: God gave His Son to save us. Did you receive Him? Can you imagine standing before God, who sacrificed His Son for you, and telling Him No to His face? It would not be a pretty picture.

But stand before Him and say, Yes! Yes, you received the great gift with joy and gratitude. You cherished it and held it close until the very day you died.

To receive Jesus, the Son of God, is to receive life and blessing. When the King of Kings gives Himself, there is nothing greater to be had. Unto us a Son is given, and we are eternally grateful.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


How To Attract Blessing –Be Thirsty!

Want to know how to attract blessing? Go after God. Be hungry be thirsty to know Him. You have to realize that even the best teachers are only touching the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more of God to discover. He has depths and heights to reveal to those who want to go there.

How to attract blessing

How to attract blessing

He absolutely delights in us and loves our pursuit of Him. When you cry out like David: O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. (Ps 63:1)

God will answer: For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods on the dry ground. (Isa 44:3)

He will respond to us with the same intensity that we pursue Him. Every time you ask to go closer, He will open heaven and draw you in. And until you do that, you have no idea what the blessing of His presence can be. He will give understanding where you need it. He will teach you in the scriptures. He will give you grace and peace that you can give away.

The thirstier you are, the more He will pour out. Jesus said you would never thirst again. (Jhn 6:35)


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


God Loves Us When We Feel Unlovable

God loves us when we feel unlovable.

God loves us when we feel unlovable.

God’s love is amazing in His capacity to love us, even when we feel unlovable. We expect Him to love everyone because He is God, but when it comes to ourselves, we sometimes don’t think He has it in Him to love us. We are very aware of the problems and flaws we see in the mirror everyday. Some can’t even bear to look in the mirror for fear of what they know they’ll see.

But God sees and knows as well, and He still loves. He doesn’t chide or reprimand. He saves, heals, and delivers. His heart is to be in a love fest with us. If you don’t feel that, it’s because you have built walls to keep Him out. That’s the worst idea in the world. Start the conversation with Him now and get those walls down.

You may need to confess some things and get them out of your life. You may need to forgive people. It may not be easy, but the walls must come down. Ask God to help you with each step. Be open to people He may send in your life to help the process. He wants to see you happy and full of joy.

No matter how bad you think you are, you can’t change the love that God has for you. Just get used to it. It’s wonderful.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Let Go And Let God–That Means Taking Your Hands Off

Let go and let GodTrusting God means that you have to take your hands off how you want your prayers answered. You have to let go of your assumptions and preconceived ideas of what should happen. You may not be ready to have those prayers answered right now. You may need a lot of growing up first. You have to allow God the freedom to do what He knows best.

A lot of people lose their faith because they don’t see what they expect to see. They think in people terms, not God terms. He knows so much more than we do. When the opposite of what we want happens, it’s not because God is mad at us. It’s probably because He’s taking a different route than we expected.

Trust Him. He sees the end and how to get you there. If you’re frustrated with what is or isn’t happening, talk to Him about it. You’re allowed to do that! In fact, it’s encouraged. Pour out your heart to Him and let Him do what He needs to do in you. Stop expecting exact steps to take place. Maybe they will, but maybe He has a better way. Always expect the best from God, even in the middle of something messy. Keep your faith strong and He’ll move heaven and earth for you. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. (Jhn 14:14)


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Why Are Other People Blessed When They Don’t Believe In God?

Don't be concerned with other people's "blessing".

Don’t be concerned with other people’s “blessing”.

Why does it seem like some people are blessed when they don’t even believe in God? This is a dangerous question, because it assumes that money equals blessing. We see lots of rich people who do not honor God. That does not necessarily mean that God is blessing them.

Satan’s chief goal is to prevent us from trusting God. He will use every tactic available, including influencing economics. If he can make someone rich so they trust in their own resources, they’ll be less likely to trust God. I’m not saying that every rich person is influenced by Satan, but we are all attacked by the enemy to rob us of our faith.

Looking at the “blessings” of others when we feel left out is just a bad idea. You have no idea what’s going on the hearts of other people. Your goal should be to love God totally, regardless of your situation or that of other people. Put all that you have in God’s hands and let Him bless you with what is right for you. If you are looking at what someone else has, I’m certain that you are not trusting God in what He’s doing for you. If you were, it wouldn’t matter about what other people have or don’t have.

In the end, rich or poor, anyone who does not receive salvation and forgiveness through Jesus is going to hell. Their riches will do nothing for them. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Mat 6:21)


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Let Jesus Be Your Stunt Double–He Can Handle It

My last post about owning a Ferrari made me think about stunt doubles. I can imagine how terrifying it might be for an actor to look at a movie role where they are required to fall out of a building or crash a car. They’re probably not trained for that. But when they know there will be a stunt double doing those things, the role seems easy. The stunt double is trained and perfectly at ease doing dangerous things.

Let Jesus be your stunt double.

Let Jesus be your stunt double.

Our life in the kingdom is like working with Jesus as our stunt double. Does that sound bad? Think about it. He just wants us to connect with the people who need help, and He will do the power work that needs to be done. It makes our role easy.

It’s never about us anyway. We’re just the face, the hands, for God to work through. We don’t have to freak out or panic about doing what Jesus did, because He’s the one doing it anyway. And He’s always with us, so we don’t have to wonder if He’ll show up on time.

Start practicing with your stunt double and see how it works. Pray for people who need healing. Speak authority into a situation and release the power of God to save, heal, and deliver. Then watch Him do what He’s best at. It will be fun.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


What Will You Do With The Power That God Gave You?

What will you do with the power that God gave you? Jesus described the kingdom of God in many ways, but when I think about it, it looks like a Ferrari. Once we come into the kingdom, we are filled with all the power and authority that Jesus had so we can do the things that He did. It’s just that we don’t recognize that we have it.

What will you do with that power that God gave you?

What will you do with that power that God gave you?

It’s like we have a big, beautiful Ferrari parked in the garage, yet we choose to walk to work, no matter how far it is. We walk because everyone around us is walking, so it seems normal. We’re not even aware that we own a Ferrari, even though the keys are in our pocket.

Some have come to know about their car and sit in it, wondering how to make it run. They dream of the day when they’ll back it out of the driveway and take off. And others are fully functional freeway drivers taking advantage of all that power.

There will be a day when you will stand before God and He will ask, what did you do with what I gave you? Where are the people who you healed and delivered from oppression? Show Me the mighty works that you did in My name. I gave you the keys to do it.

Ask God to help you be who you’ve been called to be. You’ve got everything you need already.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


It’s Time To Start Living In God–It’s Time To Get Real

It's time to get real.

It’s time to get real.

It’s time to cross over. We can’t hold back any longer. God is compelling us to Himself. We have to go, to run to Him with open arms like a little child running to Daddy. The draw is too great to resist. His wooing is overwhelming. It’s time to get real.

Look, He is reaching out, ready to take hold of our hands as soon as we move toward Him. See His smile! The look in His eyes! He is God who loves us, who adores us. Who can resist His call?

It’s time to stop knowing about Him and start living in Him. It’s time to be who we’ve been called to be–children of the Most High God. The time for playing church is over. The time to love and be loved is now. It’s time to live in community with each other, in honor and respect and kindness.

Open up your heart, completely. You can’t hold anything back. He sees it all anyway, just give it to Him. Let Him pour in life and love and wonder. He is God who is amazing, powerful, and fun. Refuse and you lose everything — everything. Receive and live like you’ve never lived before. It’s time to be who you are meant to be. There’s a world to change.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Find Hidden Treasures When You Press Into God

find hidden treasures when you press into God

find hidden treasures when you press into God

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter. (Prov 25:2) There He goes, hiding things from us. What’s with that? You’d think that God would want everything about Him to be clear and easy to understand. But it turns out that God likes us to dig to find hidden treasures.

Jesus always said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” I think that really means, he who really wants to know, go after it. The disciples got their questions answered because they followed Him around and pressed Him for clarity. We should do the same thing.

He is not holding back blessing and answers, He’s waiting for us come closer, to go deeper to get it. How badly do you want more of God? Answers to prayer? Deeper revelation? It will all depend on how close your communion time with Him is. That can look any way that works for you, as long as you hear Him and He hears you.

It will be your glory and blessing to uncover what He has set aside for you. And it has nothing to do with anyone else or what they say or do. It’s up to you. There are hidden treasures and revelations to be had if you dig in. It sounds totally worth it to me.