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How Do We Grieve The Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is here to help.

The Holy Spirit is here to help.

When the Bible says to not grieve the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:30), I don’t think it means that we do things that hurt the Holy Spirit’s feelings. I think that God is bigger than that. I think His capacity to love is so vast, that we can’t do anything to actually hurt Him.

What I think happens is that He sees us doing things that are harmful to ourselves. Just like you would feel terrible about watching someone drink poison. You would try to stop them and feel badly when they suffered from it. He only wants to protect us, but we have to let Him.

We grieve Him when we fail to listen to Him, because He is trying to protect us and make us safe and free. When we continue in bad habits and attitudes, we actually work against Him. But He is kind and patient. He will wait until we get the message and see what He was right all the time.

But nothing, nothing, nothing that we do can make God stop loving us. Even the worst human being is loved completely by God. We may frustrate His effort, but He will never stop loving us. And when we realize that we have sinned, He forgives and forgets. He is amazing.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Why Should You Speak In Tongues?

Speaking in tongue will make your spirit strong.

Speaking in tongue will make your spirit strong.

Is there a more divisive issue than speaking in tongues within Christian circles? Paul said, I wish you all spoke in tongues. (1Cor 14:5) Why? Why is it so important?

One reason is that if a message is given in a language that a visitor understood, they would hear the praises of God in their own tongue. That is, if the message were given in a public setting.

But when we speak in tongues privately, we build ourselves up. (1Cor 14:4) No, not in a vain way. It strengthens our spirit. We can speak in tongues of men or of angels. So what happens if we are speaking the language of angels? What is our spirit saying?

I think it can be number of different things. I think it can be praise to God. I think it can be releasing strategy from heaven to defeat the enemy on our behalf. I think it can be telling ourselves how good God is so we have stronger faith.

Speaking in tongues is a tremendous way to work with God to release the kingdom around you. When you allow your spirit to communicate directly with the Spirit of God, you get exactly what you need for your life. If Paul can say, I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you (1Cor 14:18), then there is a strategy of the kingdom that I am going to follow.

In The Clash Of Kingdoms, God Always Wins

In the clash of power, God always wins.

In the clash of power, God always wins.

When the kingdom of this world clashes against the kingdom of God, God always wins. Always. The goodness of God is so much greater than hate, envy, fear, or deception. The power of heaven that Jesus carried never failed to save, heal, and deliver. When the spirits of the enemy saw Him coming, they panicked.

The power of God is so much greater than the power of the enemy. Of course. God is the creator, the enemy is the created one. There is no close second. And Jesus gave His name to us to use as His agents of authority. When I speak in His name, the spirits of the enemy are just as afraid as when Jesus speaks.

We have the authority to do so much through the kingdom of God. Love overpowers hate. Peace overpowers fear. Healing overpowers brokenness. Releasing the power of heaven into a chaotic situation restores peace. When people confess sin and let go of unforgiveness, the power of sickness, depression, and pain must go. Life and love and healing can come in.

Evil has never been as powerful as good. The devil has never been as powerful as God. Never. In the end, every knee will bow before Jesus. Jesus is Lord and His power is the greatest power. In the clash of kingdoms, God always wins.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Judging People Is Not The Answer, Loving People Is The Answer

The kingdom of God is about showing kindness to an unkind world.

The kingdom of God is about showing kindness to an unkind world.

Being saved into the kingdom of God isn’t only about our relationship with God, it’s also about our relationship with each other. We are a family, one body. We are to love each other as much as we love ourselves. We are to show kindness, mercy, and grace to each other. And that means that we don’t judge.

Being judgmental is being critical, finding fault. We make assumptions, then take an attitude of superiority. There’s no love in that. None.

The way to stop being judgmental is to stop looking at the issue and start looking at the need. You think someone is wrong about something. What is making them do that? They need God. They need healing. They need blessing.

That’s where you come in. You are God’s ambassador with all His authority. Pray. Release blessing. Love. Ask God to make you sensitive to catching yourself being judgmental. Then repent when you do. Ask God to give you a greater capacity to love everyone, no matter what.

You spread the kingdom by releasing the kingdom. Stop judging people and start loving them. That does not mean that people don’t need to be corrected, but love them anyway. Real love will overlook bad character, and people with bad character need to be loved.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


God Is Not Looking For Perfection, He’s Looking For Humility

God is not looking for perfect, but humility.

God is not looking for perfect, but humility.

Maturity requires that we learn and grow. And don’t you know that mistakes will be made along the way. That’s not that big a deal. In fact, God is not so much interested in seeing you be perfect as He is in seeing how you handle the ups and downs.

When we fail at something, we beat ourselves up about it and make it worse that it really is. Or we panic and try to cover it up. Neither way is good. Learning to grow in maturity is the ability to be transparent with what works and what doesn’t. When you make a mistake, admit it. Learn from it. Don’t be afraid.

God said to fear not. He said to trust Him. If something blows up that shouldn’t have, don’t assume that it’s the end of the world. Trust God to help you work it out. That’s what faith is all about. When you give the mess over to Him, He’ll walk you through it. No matter what happens, trust Him. Always trust Him.

The more you trust when things go wrong, the stronger you grow in maturity and the more you can be trusted with. Maturity isn’t about being perfect. It’s about how you handle being wrong. Be humble. Learn as you go and don’t let your pride get in the way. The lessons may be hard, but they are exactly what you need for your next promotion.

**************************************************************************The Key of David, by Diana Symons                                                                                             A story that’s been told for thousands of years…  The Bible’s Book 1 Samuel tells the story of David’s life – from an obscure family to an unlikely king, from shepherd to warrior, from champion to king-maker. What does it mean for a man to love God and be loved by Him? This book explores what it means to be human in the light of the Kingdom.

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

God Cares About The Small Things That Matter To You

God cares about the small things that matter to us.

God cares about the small things that matter to us.

God loves you. Can you stop and contemplate that for just a second. God, who made all the heavens and the universe, knows you and loves you, wildly. His is a God-sized love, bigger than you can imagine. And, amazingly, He cares about all the small thing in your life.

I know someone who went through a rough patch in life and was forced to accept free groceries from a local church. She hated to do it because of her pride, but it was necessary and kind of the church to make the offer.

On her way home from picking up her free food, she complained to God about how unfair life was being. As she carried the bag of groceries into the house, she noticed a jar of peanut butter in it. She rolled her eyes and told God, “If you really love me, that will be crunchy peanut butter.” She felt that in her situation, God was completely ignoring her.

When she got inside, she reached in and pulled out the jar. It was Extra Crunchy. She immediately recognized God’s message that, she was, in fact, greatly loved. It broke her and she had to admit that God was still being good to her.

God loves us so much more than we can comprehend, and He cares about what matters to us, even the small things.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


The Holy Spirit Is Your Open Window To Heaven

The Holy Spirit is your open window to heaven.

The Holy Spirit is your open window to heaven.

Do you ever wish you could have your own personal window to heaven? You know, that portal that takes you straight to God, where you can talk to Him about everything you need? Like an elevator that opens right in front of the throne of God? It sounds fantastic, but the truth is, you’ve already got it.

When we receive the Holy Spirit in our lives, we connect with God on such a personal level, it’s just like having our own private conference room with Him. We get privileged access because we are sons and daughters.

That window to heaven opens up every time you quiet our heart and turn to God. When you lay down your own agendas and soak in His presence, you can hear what He has to say. He can fill you with all that you need. You can talk to Him about what is important.

And the wonderful part is, you can do it anywhere. You don’t have to be in church. You don’t have to go through any special preparations. Emmanuel is with us, all the time. And what’s even better is that He loves being with us and wants to bless and guide us. That’s why He created a way of salvation.

Open the window and let heaven come in. It’s the awesome life in the kingdom of God that is ours.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Showing Dishonor To Anyone Does Not Show The Love Of God

Disagree with honor.

Disagree with honor.

We don’t do honor very well in today’s church. That’s a problem, because God sees honor as valuable. We are told to honor God, our father and mother, our superiors, our neighbor. But what does that really mean?

Honor means to hold in high respect. But notice, God doesn’t say to honor only those people that you agree with. What if you disagree with someone like the president? What if you really, really dislike what he says and does? Doesn’t matter. Honor belongs to the role. To dishonor someone, anyone, tarnishes the goodness of God.

We are to be a people known for love, and dishonoring anyone does not show love. In fact, it shows that we are in great need of love ourselves. Honor does not bad mouth or complain about people. Honor shows respect, even in a discussion that disagrees.

Showing honor to your boss, your company, your co-workers, your spouse shows the goodness of God. When you are seen showing honor when it’s clear that you don’t agree, you’ve won merit in the kingdom.

Pay attention to how you talk about people. If you can’t honestly say that you’re showing honor, then don’t say it. Just like your mom always said, if you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Showing LoveTo Those Who Don’t Like You Isn’t Easy, But Necessary

The kingdom of God is about showing kindness to an unkind world.

The kingdom of God is about showing kindness to an unkind world.

I saw an old episode of a tv show where a bull escaped a pen and ran at a little girl. She had her back against a fence with no where to go, so she just stood there quietly. The bull ran right up to her and stopped, then turned around and went the other way. She didn’t react, so she didn’t get hurt.

If you can choose to not react when people lose it around you, you don’t become a target for them. In fact, if you can respond in the opposite of what they are expecting, you will get their attention.

Is someone in your office always mean, grouchy, or unkind? Just show love, even when their nastiness is directed at you. You have the Holy Spirit and all His goodness to draw from. Ask Him to give you what you need: peace, patience, kindness, goodness, love. He has lots to give, so don’t stop asking.

Pray for the ones who offend you the most. Bless them. Be the one who welcomes them into the kingdom. It may take a while, but love is patient and kind. Let God show you His compassion for them. He loves them, so be His love to them.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


We Are All Family And Friends, So Be There For People Who Need You

Family will be there when you need them.

Family will be there when you need them.

Paul said that he was all things to all people. (ICor 9:19-23) He didn’t want to exclude anyone from hearing the gospel. We are not all evangelists, but in the same way, we should be what people need us to be. Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. (Rom 12:15)

In other words, be a friend. It’s the way we love our neighbor as ourselves. When we are going through a mess or difficult times, we need people around us who care and understand. It’s what you would need, so be that for someone else.

Not everyone needs to be told what to do. Sometimes they just need someone to care. It’s that simple. Do you care about other people? Will you show them kindness when they need it, especially when it interferes with your day? It gets hard to do sometimes, but that’s where the rubber meets the road. That’s what separates the real lovers from the pretenders.

Do unto others as you want them to do unto you. And don’t say that you don’t need anything just to get out of doing something for someone else. Be a friend to the friend who needs you. We are a family in this kingdom, and we need to show love to each other.