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Imagine Your Life If You Were Not Afraid Of Anything–Anything!

God promises to keep you completely safe.

God promises to keep you completely safe.

Over and over and over again, God tells us not to be afraid. Fear not. He means it, and yet, we assume it’s ok to live with fear. That’s because we call it stress, worry, anxiety, embarrassment. We think it’s ok to worry because it shows how much we care about something or someone. What kind of parent would not worry about their kids?

Well, God says that worry, fear, what ever you want to call it is a sin. He wants us to trust in Him completely, even for our kids. Even for our jobs, our plans, our walk home in the dark. There is no situation that we can justify not trusting God. He says to fear not. Full stop.

In return for our complete trust, God promises to take care of us, tenderly. Psalm 91 is the paean to His loving protection:


  • You will live under the shadow of the Almighty.
  • He will be a fortress to you.
  • He will deliver you from traps set before you.
  • He will deliver you from death.
  • He will protect you like a mother bird covering you with His wings.
  • His truth will be your armor.
  • You will not be afraid of anything in the night or anything that can happen in the day.
  • People may fall all around you, but you will be safe.
  • No plague of sickness will come into your house.
  • You could step on a lion or cobra and not be harmed.
  • He will be with you in times of trouble and help you through.

What a wonderful promise. But you must know in your heart that God is true and will do what He says. If people are falling all around you, you have to keep your faith in God. They are falling because they lack faith. Don’t look at them, look at God.

If you can live with this complete trust and lack of fear, imagine what your life would be like. Imagine being unafraid to do anything the Lord leads you to, unafraid to speak up, unafraid to face any situation. If God is literally your shield, nothing can harm you. You are the blessed one. Imagine what that must look like to other people. How easy it would be to show them the One who protects you.

Repent for holding onto fear, stress, worry. Rebuke the lie that tries to make you afraid and live in relaxed peace. You are completely safe in God. Now go change the world.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Can You Be Trusted To Learn The Deep Things Of God?

There is so much more to learn.

There is so much more to learn.

God definitely has levels of inclusion when it comes to the kingdom. He told the disciples more than He told the crowds because the disciples were hungry to learn. A harsher way of putting it is not casting pearls before swine, so to speak. There are people whose hearts are not open to the truth of God and will reject it, or worse, twist it.

God reveals the deeper truths to those who really want to know. But they have to be ready for it. Jesus said to Nicodemus, If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? (John 3:12)

We learn the deeper things of God a little at a time. As we take in one truth, it becomes the foundation for the next. For precept must be upon precept,precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line. (Isaiah 28:10)

Do you want to know the deep things of God? Then become a willing student. Meditate on the Word and think about His truth. Ask for more. There is so much that we don’t know, but could know if we only pressed in. It will be like being in the inner circle with Jesus teaching you one on one. How amazing is that!


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


You Need All The Help You Can Get. You Need To Let Go.

Letting go of stress takes intention.

Letting go of stress takes intention.

Are you one of those people who manages everything for everyone? You’re probably really good at it. Hopefully you get paid well for it. But there’s a balance between managing everything and trusting God.

Do you get white-knuckled when it looks like your best plans are falling apart? That’s called fear—fear that you are losing control. The enemy loves that. God hates it.

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; (Proverbs 3:5)

There is a way to give it all over to God and still do what you need to do. But it requires faith. It requires that you will not stress when stuff starts to go bad. That’s when you turn to God and say, “You said you would take care of this, so I am trusting you.”

Keep your peace. God has your back. The kingdom of God is about righteousness, peace and joy. If you can live there, no matter what happens, you’ll be ok. You can have peace when problems come at you. But if you refuse to trust God, you’ll be filled with fear and stress. That’s the opposite of what God wants for you. It’s going to be ok. Let go.

When Life Gets Hectic, Remember To Center Yourself In Jesus

Make the decision to find your rest in Jesus.

Make the decision to find your rest in Jesus.

Jobs, and kids, and traffic, and life can get pretty busy. Even if things aren’t falling apart, it can still be draining. All your energy can get poured out doing everything that needs to be done. In the middle of all the bustle, just remember who you are.  More importantly, remember who God is.

At some point, you have stop and find your peace. You have to center your heart on Jesus. It’s the only way to stay secure in His care. Once you stop remembering to keep your peace in Him, then stress creeps in and you’ve got trouble.

Peace in Jesus should be your magnetic north. He should be the One your heart turns to when you begin to daydream. There’s where your rest is. There’s where you are refreshed and filled. You may not feel like taking the time that you need with Him when you get busy, but that’s when you need Him the most.

Faith takes intention. Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him For the help of His countenance. (Psa 42:5) Talk to yourself if you need to. Make the effort to turn to God when you need help. You will keep your peace and be refreshed.

You Are Responsible For Being The Light Of The World

You are responsible for being light to the world.

You are responsible for being light to the world.

You are the light of the world. (Mat 5:14) You. God left the light in your hands. What will you do with it? Without you, the world is dark. How will you give it light?

It’s almost a threatening question because it gets very personal. What do you mean, me? Surely you mean people who are called to the ministry, or people who want to do that sort of thing. I remember having that attitude. That ministry stuff was for other people. I had my own life. And I claimed to be a Christian.

God still wants to know. What are you going to do with your light? You actually are responsible for it. Will you shy back from admitting your faith? How about declaring it? How about helping people you don’t know? Or loving people who refuse to be loved?

You don’t have to be obnoxious about your faith. That’s really the opposite of what God means. He means you to be kind and loving, generous and patient, peaceful and happy. See, it’s not that scary. You can do this. If you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you have everything within you to be light and have fun doing it. So shine on my friend.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Can You Say That You Delight In The Lord?

Delight yourself completely in God.

Delight yourself completely in God.

Do this: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. (Deuteronomy 6:5)

And then do this: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33)

And He will do this: Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4)

See how that works?  Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. (Philippians 2:12) You have to work out what loving God with all your heart means. It’s down to you. No one can do it for you. You decide how much you will love-honor-like God. Do you love Him? Do you love Him with your entire heart, holding nothing back? Do you love Him more than anyone or anything? If not, then you have an idol in your life, and you need to deal with it.

If you can say that you love God wholeheartedly, then God promises to bless you. He promises to take care of all your needs. And He promises to give you the desires of your heart.

Do you delight in God? Is He your highest joy? You really are His.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Trust In God And He Will Go Before You And Straighten Things Out

God makes the crooked way straight for you.

God makes the crooked way straight for you.

God never said He would take us out of conflict or trials. In fact, we’re told that the trials are for our benefit. (James 1:2) Salvation was never about living the easy life, it’s living life under grace. That means that we have an advantage that we didn’t have before — God is with us.

When we put God first, above all our relationships and goals, He blesses all that we do. When we trust Him to be everything that we need, He does what we cannot.

I will go before you and make the crooked places straight. (Isa 45:2)

This is awesome. God promises to make things easier for us. Because He goes before us, we may never know what He’s done on our behalf. And if it seems rough now, just think what it would have been if He didn’t straighten things out first!

Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. (Psa 37:5)

Trusting in God is what it’s all about. Really trusting. Commit to it. No holding onto fear or worry. Let it all go. When you do, God is there for you, making things easier, making things happen for you. That’s life in the kingdom.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Let Go Of Stress, Trust God, And Live In Peace

Peace should be the foundation of your life.

Peace should be the foundation of your life.

If joy is the currency of heaven, then peace is the foundation. The peace of God should rule and reign in your life. No matter what is going on, no matter how hectic or busy you get, you should feel peace.

Stress is the thief of peace. Stress means worry, or fear. You’re afraid of something going wrong. Despite your best efforts, you still think something will go wrong.  That’s the enemy stirring things up to cause fear.

Fear is agreeing with the enemy. It is total lack of faith that God will be there for you. Repent of that immediately. Remember who God is. He is the One who loves you passionately. He is there for you and will bless the work of your hands and keep you safe.

Once you understand that, I mean really understand that, you can relax. You can be busy and run off your feet, but you’ll just be busy, not stressed. Your fatigue will be from a long day of work, not from fear of failure. Peace is the assurance that God has your back in everything you do.  Of course,  that means that you have to put everything in His hands to bless, and He will.

Peace is yours to have. It’s living life in the kingdom.

God’s Dreams For You Can Look Impossible

God's dreams can look impossible, but they're not.

God’s dreams can look impossible, but they’re not.

Your destiny in the kingdom of God is one of the great blessings that come with salvation. It’s the amazing plan that God has given you — a plan to use your gifts and talents so you do what you love to do.

That destiny often manifests as the dreams we hold onto. The dreams that come from God are different from the dreams that we come up with. Our self dreams are usually ideas that we can see as being manageable. We can see how it can be done. It might take work, but we see the stages of growth.

Sometimes God dreams will scare us because we can’t see how we could possibly do it. They are unbelievable because we don’t understand how to get there. That’s just the way God does things. He will always develop your destiny so you have to keep your eyes on Him.  He wants you to be always looking to Him for the next step.

If you can do that, if you can trust God with your heart, He will walk you through the destiny He developed for you in ways you never saw coming. Go with it. Trust Him to dream with you and be more than you would plan for yourself.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Protect Your Identity In The Kingdom Of God

You have a new identity in Christ.

You have a new identity in Christ.

When you come into the kingdom, you become new.  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is new creationold things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2Cor 5:17) You may not feel new, but God sees you as renewed and perfect. You are a royal son or daughter and take on His name. You get a new identity.

The enemy hates that and will work tirelessly to steal your new identity. He does that by making you believe that God is not who He says He is, just as he lied to Eve. Any time you take your eyes off of God and stop believing who you are in the kingdom, you allow the enemy to rob your identity.

Never let that happen. God is exactly who He says He is, so you can always trust Him. You are indeed a royal heir of Christ, with all the privileges and grace that comes with. You can walk boldly before God with the ease of a favorite child and ask anything.

Your identity is bound up in the grace that you walk in through the blood of Christ. To allow the enemy to steal that is to deny what Jesus did for you. Protect your identity in the kingdom by keeping your faith in the one who made you new.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart