Category Archives: Blog

Every Day Is Better With God

God makes everyday awesome.

God makes everyday awesome.

You’ve seen that bumper sticker: The worst day fishing is still better than the best day at work. I understand that. No matter how good or bad my day is, God is always with me, and that makes any day better.

When I feel overwhelmed, I can run to Him like a little child who sees Daddy come to pick her up. There is so much security knowing that He is with me. I always visualize Him holding my hand. If my hand is in His, then no matter what happens, it will be ok.

When my day is great, He makes it awesome. I am so thankful for the blessing that He sends my way. I give them back to Him in praise. I throw them up to heaven like shiny confetti. I know that all good things come from above, so I am grateful for every kindness.

I can’t imagine living without Him. I understand people who live with alcohol and drugs. Maybe I would too if I didn’t know God. He fills that place that alcohol tries to fill but can’t. I wake up everyday knowing that my God is with me and nothing will ever take that joy from me.

You Were Born For Heaven

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
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God Is Always The Same, Whether We Know It Or Not

God is difficult to describe, but He's always the same.

God is difficult to describe, but He’s always the same.

Getting to know God can be like a blind person trying to understand an elephant. At first it seems like a rope. Then it is like a rope attached to rough wall. And then it’s like a rope and rough wall and a hose–with big flappy wings–and tree trunks.  Every aspect describes part of what an elephant is like, but it takes time to get the big picture. If ever.

When we grow in faith, we discover God in new ways. It takes maturity to know Him in some aspects. And as we grow, we learn more about Him and see Him in even greater ways. As long as we continue to grow, this will never end. God is amazing enough to show new parts of Himself throughout eternity.

But the awesome thing is that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. When we reach a new level of growth and maturity and see God in a completely unique way,  He’s still the same. As large and amazing as we come to know Him, He was that large and amazing when we first met Him, we just couldn’t see it.  He is just waiting patiently for us to discover Him. It’s time to get excited. There is so much more of God to know. This is just the beginning!

Another post on knowing God: Who Is God?

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
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God’s Humility Is Astounding

Jesus is the real deal

Jesus is the picture of humility

Jesus lived a humble life. He never promoted Himself, even though He was the Savior of the whole world. He asked those He healed to not even give Him credit for it. He was low-key in everything He did. But the most astounding act of humility was at His birth and at His death.

Consider the Son of God leaving the glory of heaven. The massive transition is really unthinkable. And yet, this wonderful Son of God chose to not even be born in a house. He could have. Even if He didn’t choose to be born in a palace, at least He could have been born in a house. His first appearance on earth as the Son of Man was in a stable.

And then He died a humiliating death. There was no honor given to Him in death at all. He was crucified next to thieves. He was even buried in a borrowed gave.

This humility is greater than anything we’ve seen before or since. Yes, you may point to humble people that you know of, but none of them left the greatness of the presence of God as Jesus did. And He his whole life was to show us how to to do it. We may not be able to live as perfectly as Jesus did, but we have the perfect model to live by.

Another post on humility: Insignificance Is A Big Deal

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
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Love The Blessing–Bless The Lover

Give God thanks for all He does for you.

Give God thanks for all He does for you.

We turn to God with so many needs. We ask so much. But are we grateful for answered prayer? How would you feel if you handed someone a gift and they grabbed it happily and ran off without thanking you? We do that a lot with God. We get so excited when the answers come that we forget that is was the love of God that moved for us.

Thankfulness does more for us than we think. Ten lepers cried out to Jesus for healing, and Jesus healed them. Only one came back to thank Him and worship Him. So Jesus answered and said, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?” And He said to him, “Arise, go your way. Your faith has made you well.” (Luk 17:17-19)

Thankfulness gave the leper a greater healing than those who didn’t come back. Maybe they only got a partial healing. Maybe it was only temporary. I don’t know, but it looks like they didn’t get as much as the one with the grateful heart.

Never forget the One who loves you enough to answer your prayer. Be thankful for all that He does for you.

Another post on thankfulness: Thankfulness Is A Choice

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
  • The Tenth Leper
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Humility Keeps Your Heart Soft

Humility keeps your heart soft.

Humility keeps your heart soft.

Pride is a very dangerous attitude. We think we’re right. We know we’re right. We hate it when other’s don’t see it. Pride makes it hard to admit error. It makes it hard to admit that someone else may be right. Every time we refuse to let someone else win, a hard layer covers our heart like shellac. Time after time when our pride gets in the way of kindness or generosity, another layer goes down. Soon, we have a thick shell that nothing can get through.

Humility keeps our heart soft and pliable. Humility allows us to admit when we’re wrong. It celebrates others’ victories and reaches out in love. Humility not only does not cover our heart with hardness, it opens us to the deep things of God that we can’t learn any other way. There are lessons from heaven that only the humble heart will be able to hear.

If you know that your heart is hard, ask God to forgive you. Confess your pride and ask Jesus to take it from you. Ask Him to give you a humble, pliable heart that will respond to His voice. It’s never too late for humility.

Another post on humility: Not Pride, Not False Humility

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
  • Christ’s Clothing

How Valuable Do You Think Are You?

You are a royal son or daughter.

You are a royal son or daughter.

A healthy self-esteem is important to have . If you were never told how wonderful you are growing up, then you probably have a poor self-esteem. You may expect less of yourself and for yourself. You may not value the blessings of God if you don’t think you deserve them.  That would be a huge mistake.

So just consider how valuable the son or daughter of a king is. Now consider that the king is the King of Kings. His sons and daughters are His greatest delight. This isn’t just an exercise in self-esteem, this is the real deal. You actually are God’s greatest delight. You are His highest joy.

Do not allow the enemy to tell you anything different. You deserve the greatest blessings because your Father delights to give them to you. You don’t have to earn them, just receive them. It’s even OK to ask for more. Your Father loves you so much, He’s happy to bless you with more.

Don’t move on until you fully grasp how much God loves you and dotes on you. You have to know who you are–a royal heir, a much beloved son or daughter of God. That makes you pretty special.

 Learn To Live Like An Heir

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Give Yourself To The Crucible Of God’s Love

Allow God to purify your heart.

Allow God to purify your heart.

I heard a story once of a visit to a gold mine in South Africa. The demonstration area had a working furnace where gold was being refined. The visitors, seated several yards away, could see the glow of fire from the cracks around the furnace doors. When the doors were opened, the heat, even from across the room, was almost unbearable.

Two men wearing asbestos suits took a crucible out of the fire with long tongs. The vessel was filled with molten gold. The audience was told that the fire was heated to a certain degree to melt off the impurities in the gold. After the impurities are removed, the furnace is heated even hotter and the gold was put back in again. The impurities were again removed and returned to an even higher heat.

Each level of purification corresponds to a grade of the gold standard, i.e. 14k, 18k, 24k. The gold technician knows when the gold has reached its peak of purification when he can see his face reflected in it. Pure, molten gold is nearly clear.

When our hearts are purified by God’s grace, He can see Himself in us. His light shines through us unhindered by our selfishness and pride. Others can see Him easily. We can be a city on a hill–a light to a lost world.

Never cringe at heat in the furnace. Give yourself to it. Why hold on to anything that blocks the light of God in your life? Get rid of it. Let it all go. When the pressure is turned up and the rottenness floats to the top, confess it to Jesus and ask Him to take it from you. Ask Him to cleanse you completely. Be free. Be holy in Him.

The crucible of His love is not to punish you. It’s to make you beautiful. How much will you allow yourself to be purified? Only this far and no further? Why? Why hold onto anything sinful in your life? You were made to shine His radiance. That’s why Peter can say, “That the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ”  (1Pet 1:7)

Ask God to turn up the fire. Ask Him to purify your heart. Let Him see His face in your heart.

Another post on holiness: Holiness Takes Intention

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

Be His Beauty In A Hard Place

Just as you are light and salt to the world, you release the beauty of God where ever you go. Sometimes that’s hard to do. Sometimes the environment that you live or work in is hard. There may be nothing beautiful or Godly in anything around you. It’s got to come from you, baby.

How do you thrive in a harsh environment? You be prepared before you go in. You spend time with Jesus. You let His sweet nature fill you and give you the grace that you need. You enjoy His presence and praise His goodness. Just focusing your attention and loving on Him will fill you with everything you need for the day ahead. You’ll carry in your own sunlight and water.

You will show off the goodness of God to a place in desperate need of having it. Don’t allow yourself to be subdued by the enemy. Shine bright in your confidence in the One who loves you. Everyone needs His love, they just don’t understand how to get it. When you show Him off, you make Him attractive to others.

When you put your trust in God, He will bless you and protect you no matter where you are.

A post on being salt. Be The Salt Of The Earth

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

The Fruits Of The Spirit Are All Parts Of Himself

When we live in Jesus, our lives will be fruitful.

Go after the fruits of the Spirit.

We know the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Gal 5:22) We know that the Holy Spirit puts these fruits in us. We talk about the God of peace and the God of joy. But all these are aspects of God Himself. So He is also the God of patience and the God of self-control.

That’s a good thing to know when things get difficult. You can turn to the God of peace when you are harassed by fear. Turn to the God of self-control when you are facing temptation.  You can address that part of God that you need in your life. It’s who He is. And because these are fruits of His Spirit in you, these are all yours as well.

Be active in embracing this fruit. It should be an outgrowth of your relationship with God. Don’t assume that because you believe in God that you will be filled with joy when you need it. You have to want it. That means allowing that aspect of God to be active when you need it to be.

I believe that there are many other parts of God that are fruits in the same way. Pursue them, and He will be more to you than you knew He could be.

Another post on the fruits of the Spirit: Let’s Go After The Sweeter Fruits

Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart
  • The Fruit of the Spirit is…………………………

Are You Waiting For Harvest? When Did You Seed?

If you sew much, you will reap much.

You will harvest tomorrow what you sow today.

Harvesting the fruits of our labor is much the same in the spirit as it is in the natural. You have to put in effort for the reward. Sometimes God will jump a season and go straight to the blessings of harvest, but most of the time, we have a responsibility to do our part.

For instance, tithing now will allow God to bless your finances down the road. Your generosity now will open up blessing later. Time spent in praise and worship now will arm you for warfare when you need it. Reading the word will plant it in your heart for the times when you need to use it.

The seeding and reaping is all about growth and maturity. Putting forth the effort to grow spiritually and act as we’re called to act matures us and allows God to bless us. The more we grow, the more we can seed, the greater the blessings.

If things seem silent and barren, look back to see how much work you put into seeding for harvest. When you neglect the things of God, you’ll have nothing to show for it when you expect it. The blessings your enjoy now is the harvest for your generosity and obedience.

Another post on harvest: Prepare For Harvest


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart