Category Archives: Blog

Don’t Be Too Old For The Kingdom

Relax and dance a little.

Relax and dance a little.

Don’t you love to watch little kids dance? What’s not to love about that. You don’t even have to be related to them to get teary-eyed. Their lack of self-consciousness is delightful. They dance because it’s fun and it feels good. And it’s that innocence that God loves when we step away from our grownup attitudes and relax a little.

Do you ever dance a little when you’re alone and a great song comes on TV or your iPod? Even a just a little shuffle step? If you can’t manage that, then you’re way too old for the kingdom. And I don’t mean because you can’t dance a little because of age-related issues. Age is in the heart, and we are called to be as little children.

Have some fun. Do a little dance. God is not impressed by our propriety. He’s impressed with our passion. Look at David! He danced so much he embarrassed his wife to no end. And God loved Him for it.

I challenge you to dance like a child. If you have to be alone to do it, then so be it. Sing a little song while you do. The joy of the Lord is so much greater when we stop fretting about how we look or what other people think. Turn your eyes to God, and do a shuffle step with Him.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


If God Is Your Shepherd, Then You Are Living Blessed

The twenty-third psalm is such a wonderful inspiration. It should be your go-to source for when you need to be picked up and hugged. The Lord is my shepherd, the one who is in charge. He knows where He taking me. He knows the way, where it’s challenging, and where it’s easy. It doesn’t matter because He’s going with me.

If God is your shepherd, you are blessed.

If God is your shepherd, you are blessed.

He takes me to places of comfort and peace. Perfect places of peace where I am rejuvenated and strengthened and rested. He takes care of all my needs. He knows exactly what I need, even when I don’t, and He has it all worked out.

And when we have to go through the scary places, my eyes are only on Him, so I don’t see anything to worry about. He makes me so comfortable in His presence, that I’m not stressed by anything, even if everyone around me is freaking out.

He blesses me and blesses me and blesses me. I am so blessed, I can’t get my arms around it all. It keeps spilling over. And still He blesses more. I am so happy to be with Him. And I know I will be with Him forever and ever. I never want to be away from my Shepherd.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


We All Have A Responsibility To Do Good | What Will You Do Today?

As a fully functioning member of the family of God, we hold some responsibility to the world around us. We are the salt and light needed for the kingdom to be released. That doesn’t mean that we have to take on the Taliban like Malala Yousafzai, the young girl who was shot for supporting the education of girls in Pakistan. But we are all responsible for doing something.

What good thing will you do today?

What good thing will you do today?

What we do to do good is an individual matter. It may be that when you see someone with an obvious physical disability, you ask to pray for them. (It will bless them more than you know.) It may mean that you get involved with local government to pray over the laws being passed in your city. It may mean you prayer walk your neighborhood and get to know your neighbors and bless them.

There are any number of ways to affect change all by yourself, or in connection with others. Just don’t assume that you don’t have to do anything. Jesus told the story of those cast out of the kingdom for not visiting the sick, those in prison, or feeding the hungry. We are community, and that means caring about other people and doing something about it. Now, what are you going to do?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Jesus Got A Little Offensive To Get Our Attention | He Wants In!

Taste and see that the Lord is good.

Taste and see that the Lord is good.

Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. (Jhn 6:54) This was a pretty offensive statement by Jesus. We are born with an aversion to cannibalism, and rightly so, but Jesus was trying to make a point. This was not business as usual doctrine. This was something radical and mind blowing. Eat flesh? Drink blood? Yuck!

Of course, Jesus wasn’t talking about physically eating and drinking. My apologies to my Catholic friends, but He was being metaphorical. God was no longer going to be distant, guiding His people from afar. Emmanuel has come and God is with us.

We are to invite Jesus into our hearts to be Lord and Savior. At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. (Jhn 14:20) It’s a challenging description of how closely our connection with God is now. How radically different from the Old Testament relationship.

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him. (Psalm 34:8)  He’s not interested in being worshiped from a distance. He wants intimacy. When we submit to the Lordship of Jesus, He enters our lives as completely as if we literally eat His body and drink His blood. We become one with Him. It’s a concept that no one expected of God, but it is His way of guiding us through life in the kingdom.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Don’t Panic When Seasons Change, You’re Stepping Up To Higher Ground

Be patient when the seasons change on you.

Be patient when the seasons change on you.

No matter how long we’ve been a believer, at some time, we’ll suddenly realize that things have changed for us. Life in the spirit flows very much like life in the natural. We grow physically and spiritually, and in the same way, we experience seasons in our lives.

It is very natural for us to have extended times of great blessing, where every door opens before we touch it and everything that we need falls in our lap. And then it stops. It’s unnerving when it happens, because we wonder what we’ve done wrong. It truly is a good time to stop and evaluate our lives to see if repentance is in order.

But very often, the uncomfortable change is not because we’re in sin, it’s more likely that God has bigger plans for us than we have for ourselves. He changes the season on us to draw us closer. It’s a time of listening and learning. We can’t get to the next place He’s called us to until we learn to step higher. The quiet season is the time it takes to get to the greater blessing.

When you realize that you’re in a transitional period, relax. As much as we hate change, it’s going to be ok. Ask God to make you sensitive to what He is doing and agree with Him, don’t fight it. Trust Him that His plan for you is awesome. And before you know it, the season will change again.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Stop Making Yourself Feel Guilty When God Isn’t Mad At You

God has always been a God of great love. As severe as He had to be with Israel in the Old Testament, He was always loving and forgave their many indiscretions. So, why do we assume that He is mad at us? Why do we feel the need to perform for His love? 

Guilt does not come from God.

Guilt does not come from God.

Over and over, I pray with people who feel guilty because they don’t feel like they’ve earned God’s love. Not people who don’t go to church, Christian people who know the word of God. They set an unattainable standard for themselves about what it means to live as a Christian, then beat themselves up when they can’t reach it, or maintain it.

The truth is, God never set those standards in the first place. God’s commandment to us is to love Him above all other things, and love other people. All the other stuff, is self-imposed. How many hours a day you pray, how many chapters you read in the Bible, how many hours you devote to handing out tracks — that is all stuff that you do to yourself.

Should you spend time in prayer? Yes, of course. But there is no required time limit. Your time with God is personal and should be what you need for your personal growth.  Don’t be guilted by other people who say they spend hours on their knees. Not everyone is truthful about that anyway.

Should you be reading your Bible? Yep. How much and how often? Think of it like this, how much and how often do you need to eat? You can get away with skipping meals, but if you don’t eat on a regular basis, you’ll get sick. Get it? Work out your own level for what works for you, then stick to it. You need the word of God to guide you through life. Don’t neglect it, but don’t feel guilty if you miss some time. God understands.

Give yourself the same grace that God gives. We don’t live under law anymore. We live by grace. And grace allows for last-minute issues that we don’t see coming. Grace allows for being sick and exhausted. Grace knows the love of your heart, not how many doors you knock on.

If you feel guilty because you don’t feel good enough, that’s not from God. That’s a twisted lie of the enemy and you don’t have to live like that. Give it to Jesus. He’ll take it and drop kick it out of your life. Receive His grace and relax. He loves you just as you are. He loves you wildly and extravagantly. Receive it and be happy.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


The Desires Of Your Heart Will Come After You Learn To Delight

Thank God for all the good things He's done for you.

Thank God for all the good things He’s done for you.

Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. (Ps 37:4) This blessing that comes from God is not automatic. We have to do our part. We cannot give lip service to God and then expect Him to give us our hearts’ desires. We need to embrace His goodness and love Him totally and completely as the great love of our soul.

So how do you delight yourself in Him? Start with thinking about what He has done for you. Maybe you’ve been healed and delivered from pain and depression. Rejoice in that! That’s amazing. He protects you from fear so you never have to be afraid again. He gives you wisdom and understanding in areas that you give to Him. He gives you joy for sadness, peace for worry, and love for hate.

Stop and think about all that God has done and is doing for you. He is wonderful and loving and kind. Let your heart be full of His compassion and give it back to Him. Count your blessings, like the old song says. When you are truly thankful for your new life, you can delight in Him. You can stand in His presence with great joy because of who He is. Live like that, and the desires of your heart will come.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Your Past Does Not Have To Haunt You | You Are Forgiven

One of the many wonderful aspects of salvation in the kingdom is how kind God is. Our humanity does not surprise Him. Before we came to Him, our lifestyles were not honorable, even if we tried to be “good”. Any effort on our part that does not include repentance and forgiveness of sins is all about us and not God. But God is not bothered by that. He made us, so He knows exactly what to expect from us.

No matter how bad your life was before you met Jesus, you are His beloved. When you confess your sins to Him, He forgives and forgets. You may walk out the consequences of your actions, but He does not hold you to blame. For instance, if you killed someone, you would be forgiven, but still carry out a prison sentence.

He will cover you with His wings.

He will cover you with His wings.

And in God’s amazing love is the covering He puts over us to protect us from our own past. He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge. (Ps 91:4)

Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed; neither be disgraced, for you will not be put to shame; for you will forget the shame of your youth. (Isa 54:4)

God only looks at the renewed person He made of you, and so should you. Don’t be afraid of you past coming back to haunt you. If you live under His wings, you’re protected from your own self.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Break Away From The Old Stereotypes Of Who God Is | God Is Amazing

Find the real God who loves you.

Find the real God who loves you.

We are so influenced in the West by Greek culture. We live with reason. We have to understand how everything works before we accept it. Even in religion, our historic concept of God is based on the Greco/Roman idea that God is just like us, only vengeful in His power. We have no other grid for understanding God except our own hearts and minds, so He must be as petty and hateful as the rest of us.

That’s why Jesus is so hard to understand. God is love? He loves so powerfully that He broke His own heart to provide a way of salvation for a people who ignored Him? He’s a God who blesses lavishly and forgives easily?

This God does not fit into the mold we built for Him. How could He? He is God and we are human. Our capacity to understand Him is so limited. And yet, it is our delight to discover more and more about Him from now on through eternity.

Go to Him with fresh eyes. Allow yourself to meet the real God, not the one you’ve dismissed all these years. You’ll be amazed and surprised by how kind and generous He is. He’s been waiting to sit with you for a long time. Enjoy it. It’s going to change your life.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

You Are Covered With More Beauty Than You Can See With Your Eyes

I believe that we live blinded to the real world of the spirit. It’s almost like the movie, The Matrix, where we live in a false reality, disbelieving the actual world we don’t see. The Bible describes so many things that we assume are metaphorical, when I think it is describing reality.

For instance, I love this verse in Isaiah 61:10

God cover us with salvation as a bride adorns herself with jewels.

God cover us with salvation as a bride adorns herself with jewels.

For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

I think we are literally covered with salvation and righteousness in the spirit, and it is more beautiful than we know. God gave some serious thought to how to describe this. What is the one day that you will adorn yourself more carefully than any other day of your life?

If a girl is given the opportunity and means, she’s going to plan her wedding. She picks her earrings and shoes, and that dress is going to be amazing.

Well, think of that, times a million. That’s how God covers us with His salvation and righteousness. I can’t begin to imagine what it really looks like, but, I want to see it in the spirit.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart